Çerez Örnek

Frequently Asked Questions



      When should I re-register?


Academic calendar for each academic year is announced in August by Rectorate of Ege University. (First two weeks of September for fall semester and first two weeks of february for spring semester)  The students should re-register and pay the tuition fee if applicable within first five days of semester.


                        What should I do if I could not re-register in predefined period?

You can re-register in the period defined by Senate of Ege University as an additional period.


       What if I fail to re-register?

In case of failure to re-register in predesignated dates, the student is deemed to have lost a semester, and may not enjoy the right of a student 


  1. When sould I re-register for preparatory class?

Academic calendar for each academic year is announced in August by Rectorate of Ege University.

Online Registration

  1. Which bank account should I pay my tutition fee into?


You can pay your tuition fee in any branch of Halk Bank online. In case you have paid you fee manually, you should deliver certificate of payment to Department of Tuition Fees of  Registrar’s Office

  1. How can I register online?

You can register online via http://obys.ege.edu.tr. You can Access the guide for registration here: http://oidb.ege.edu.tr/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=0&tabid=14&ItemId=100adresinde

  1. What should I do if I want to make changes in courselist I enrolled for?

You can make any changes until your academic advisor approves your enrollment. In case your advisor, has already approved the list, you should contact with him/her.

You can contact registrar’s Office in your faculty in case of a problem in registration process. If you need further help, you can call 311 4092 / 3569 

5) How can I get information about tuition fee?

You can call Tuition Fee Department of  Registrar’s Office. [0.232.311 21 95]

6) How many course credits can I get as a maximum?

* Total ECTS credits for regular students is 30

** Total ECTS credits for irregular students can be upgraded to 42 or limited 1/3 of 30 upon approval of the advisor

Preparatory Classroom

1)What if I attend the preparatory classroom and fail the courses?

Preparatory Classroom is compulsory for some of the degree programmes, still optional for the rest.  Please check Guideline for Foreign Language Education

Exemption from Courses

My background covers courses inluded in the curriculum of the program I have registered, what should I do?

Student with a record of courses equivalent to ones in curriculum of the program they have registered may be exempted from the abovementioned courses upon approval of the admininstration.

In this case, courses will be registered into transcipt and will be included in cumulative grade point avarage. Students to apply for such an exemption may apply for it by mid-term exam dates. Upon application, the staff of the departments would evaluate and define the courses the student would be exempted from and submit the list of courses for approval to academic board of the department.


Questions About Exams

  1. How can I attend make-up exams?

In case the students applies Dean’s Office in five days upon the ground for excuse with a petition a proof of excuse attached, the student would acquire the right to take the exam on a date approved by the Board.

2) Who can attend the final exams?

- Those

-   who have registered for the course

-  who have attended %70 of the theoretical courses

- who have attended %80 of the applied courses

- who do not fail in practice

3) Grading Policy

The course instructor may prefer DDS (Direct Grading System) or BDS (Comparative Grading System) as of 2011- 2012 academic year

4) Objection to Exam Results

The students should apply via Dean’s Office in three days pursuant to announcement of the results

  1. Pass Grade for Final Exam


Students should get 45 out of 100 points as a minimum in order to get letter grades deemed to be “pass” in Direct Grading System. Students with 60 or better avarage in-semester grading who fail to pass the abovementioned threshold will fail and earn DC (FAİL) letter grade   

Make-Up Exam Policy


Provision 17: (1) Make-up exams may be granted for mid-term and resit exams. Administative board of the related deparment holds the right to grant make-up exam and define and announce date, place and mode of the texam.

 (2) Those who could not attend the exam are to document their health status with a health report issued by a general hospital. The administrative board of the related department holds the right to grant  make-up exam in case of death of a relative, natural disaster or etc.

 (3) Documents of absence excuse are to be delivered to dean’s office or directorate within five days pursuant to date of issue. Applications will not be valid in case of failure to deliver the documents by due date. Students who do not attend make-up exam may not be granted right to take exam.   

 (4) Students who represent Republic of Turkey, Ege University, faculties or vocational schools of Ege University are to be granted makeup exams for any exam conducted in related dates.


(5) Make-up exams are conducted on dates defined by related administrative board.


(6) The scope of the make-up exams are to be defined by course instructor or department/programme board in case of intergrated education.

Leave of Absence

1- Leave of Absence

* Students who wish to be granted a leave of absence must apply to dean’s office with a petition stating valid grounds for the request and the necessary documents. 

** Excuses valid for leave of absence are declared in 24th article of the regulations.


Summer School

1) Period of Summer School

Summer school covers 7 week sessions covering final exams except for re-registration and exam weeks.

2) Attendance Policy

* Üniversitemiz Yaz Okulu Yönetmeligi’nin 7. maddesine göre derslere devam zorunlulugu vardir. Yaz okulunda alinan dersin devam zorunlulugu daha önceki alinan dönemlerde alinmis dahi olsa yaz döneminde devam zorunlulugunu kaldirmaz. According to 7th article of Summer School Regulation, attendance is a must. The student is to attend the courses even if he/she was enrolled for the same/equivalent course previously

** Grades for courses of summer school are to be registered into transcipt in related semester.

  1. Which courses will be open for enrollment in summer school period?

The courses to be open for enrollment in summer scholl period are to be defined by administrative board of faculty of letters at the end of the spring semester.


4) How many courses can I enroll in summer school?

A student can enroll for two courses as a maximum

Enrolling for Courses Provided by Another University in Summer School Period

Article 14 —  Student is to deliver a petition regarding his/her request upon approval of course instructor in our University and academic advisor declaring that language, content and credits of the courses are equivalent.  The student may enroll for the course upon approval by related Administrative Board. Students are to fill application form provided by Registrar’s Office of Faculty of Letters.


Single Course

What is I can graduate except for failure in a single course?

Students who are in graduation status except for failure in a single course are to apply Dean’s Office of Faculty of Letters within period within beginning of Final Exams and  announcement of the results. Upon review of the status of the students, exam Schedule for the students to attend single course exam are to be announced by Registrar’s Office of Ege University.

Single Course Exam Policy

Article 18 – Single Course Exam: Singe Course Exam is to be granted for student who have passed all the courses except for a single course in fall and spring semesters individually and at the end of summer school if any on date defined by adminisrative board of the related school/faculty. Students who have not attended single course exam or who can hold the right to attend single course exam pursuant to summer school period.

 (2) Single course exam is granted for once. Those who pass the exam are deemed to have graduated in the semester registered.


When should I apply for transfer?

Due dates are announced in July by Registrar’s Office


Ege Üniversitesi